How To Submit a Tech Support Ticket

The best and fastest way to contact the Converus Support team is through our ticketing system. The tickets go straight to the emails of our support agents and ensure timely responses. 


To submit a tech support ticket, please follow these steps:

  1. If you want to send a ticket directly on the EyeDetect Station, click on the EyeDetect Support Icon on the Desktop. (Skip to step 4 of this article.)
  2. If you are sending a support ticket on a separate laptop, go to, and under the company dropdown, select Tech Support
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  3. On the following page, click on the submit a ticket link in the top right-hand corner. 
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  4. Submit the ticket by filling in your email, the subject of the ticket, and a brief description of the issue. Then click on Submit. 
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  5. If this is the first time you have submitted a ticket you will be notified that you must verify your email. 
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  6. To verify your email, open your email and look for the Converus Zendesk support email (if you don't find the email right away, check your spam folder) 
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  7. After you click on the link in the verification email, you will be taken to a page notifying you that your ticket has been submitted and a support agent will be with you shortly. Please note, it is not necessary to create login credentials on this page. 
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