How do I run the EyeDetect Administrator?

  1. Once the EyeDetect Administrator is downloaded, go to the computer's download folder and double-click the EyeDetect Admin exe icon to run the application. (For Instructions on how to download click here EyeDetect Administrator )
  2. Select Account > Sign in from the menu.


  1. Enter your Account ID, Account PIN, and Authentication Code (from the Authenticator application).
    • Be sure to sign in with the account credentials that have permissions for the desired sub account to be configured.


  1. After successfully signing in, click Close to close the Sign in dialog.


  1. Choose DataLocker > Setup from the menu.
  2. The EyeDetect Administrator will retrieve license data from the Converus Dashboard. If valid licenses are available, the following dialog will appear.


    1. Select the desired sub account from the drop-down list.
    2. Choose Start to configure the DataLocker with the selected license.
    3. The necessary EyeDetect applications will be downloaded and installed on the DataLocker. When the process is complete, click Close to exit the setup process.
    4. Choose File > Exit to close the EyeDetect Administrator application.
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