The Most Common Technical Issues—EyeDetect


Q: How do I create a sub-account?

A: Customers/Service Partners do not have the ability to add a sub-account. Please contact Converus to assist. The Service Partner can add users to an already existing sub-account or can transfer licenses between sub-accounts.


Q: How do I change sub-accounts on the DataLocker?

A: To change sub-accounts, go to your EyeDetect Station, open the EyeDetect Admin file, which is located on the DataLocker. When EyeDetect Admin is open, click on Account and Sign In. Enter the account ID, account pin, and authentication code of the sub-account you wish to configure on the DataLocker. Once you have entered the necessary information, click on DataLocker and select Setup. Select from the drop-down menu the sub-account you want to use. Then press the Sync option.


Q: The DataLocker drive doesn’t appear when I open Windows Explorer? (V1 Station issue)

A: Check the cable that connects the DataLocker to the computer as it might not be inserted fully. Check to ensure the cable is firmly inserted into the USB port and into the DataLocker. Make sure the DataLocker is switched “on.” Check the on/off switch located at the top of the DataLocker.


Q: The DataLocker doesn’t have electrical power?

A: There are two primary reasons the DataLocker is without power:

  1. The cable that connects the DataLocker to the computer might not be inserted fully. Check to ensure the cable is firmly inserted into the USB port and into the DataLocker.
  2. The DataLocker might not be switched “on.” Check the on/off switch located at the top of the DataLocker.


Q: In EyeDetect (software), the DataLocker won’t connect?

A: Check the following:

  1. ensure that the DataLocker is powered “on”
  2. ensure the DataLocker cable is fully inserted into the DataLocker and into the USB port
  3. ensure you have entered the DataLocker password, clicked on (enter) and then selected Connect.  



Q: One of our administrators got a new phone, how do they login?

A: Have that administrator contact Converus and we will re-set the authenticator code paired with their old phone so that the next time they login, they will be able to scan a new QR code to pair their new phone to their existing login credentials (ID and PIN.)

The administrator will need to download Google Authenticator on their new phone to complete this process.



Q: How do I add licenses to my account?

A: Converus will add licenses to an account after receiving a Purchase Order. Once a Purchase Order is processed, Converus will add new licenses into the Master account. With licenses in the Master account, the Service Provider can transfer/move licenses to any sub-account.


Q: How do I transfer licenses from one sub-account to another?

A: Only a user with Admin rights can transfer licenses between sub-accounts. The Admin must sign in to the Converus Dashboard. Go to the Licenses menu at the top of the page. On this page, click on the Transfer button found at the top right corner of the screen. The next screen will allow licenses to be transferred from one sub-account to another.



Q: In the telemetry screen, the white “eye” spots are not lined up in the green box or the green A: status bars won’t completely fill up to 100%.

There are a few possible resolutions for this issue.

  1. Make sure the examinee’s eyes are 60 cm away from the screen. The telemetry screen indicates the distance.
  2. Telemetry may struggle with an examinee that has dry eyes. Give the examinee eye drops.
  3. Is the examinee wearing glasses or frames that are causing glare? If so, instruct the examinee to either take off the glasses or push their glasses frames up above their ears to change their angle.
  4. Is the examinee wearing excessive makeup? Ask the examinee to remove eye makeup.
  5. If the lighting in the room is too dark, that will cause the monitor to create glare.
  6. If the lighting in the room is too light or one-sided, that can cause glare on the examinee’s eyes. Make sure the room is moderately and evenly lit.


Q: The eye tracker is connected but the red lights are not on (V1 station issue)

A: The red lights on each end of the front of the eye tracker should illuminate when the eye tracker is powered on. If you don’t see these lights, make sure the eye tracker is plugged in to the USB port located right below the antenna on the back of the computer.



Q: My webcam will not come on or it doesn’t show the examinee

A: The webcam requires more electrical power than other USB devices such as the keyboard or mouse. It should be plugged into the USB hub, not the computer. Sometimes, even when the webcam is properly plugged into the USB hub, it requires a computer re-boot to get the webcam powered sufficiently.



Q: During Sync, I get a “Web Exception Error.” What does that mean?

A: The “Web Exception Error” may result from a few conditions.

  1. The EyeDetect station is connected to a very slow Internet connection or there is no connection at all. Check the connection and speed to see if it is adequate.
  2. Make sure that the wireless antenna is properly connected to the back of the computer.
  3. If #1 and #2 have been checked, the issue could be related to a firewall in place. Contact Converus for assistance.



Q: How can I add or correct information on a test report?

A: Contact Converus to add or correct information on test reports.



Q: I ran tests in the wrong sub-account. How can I get them moved to another sub-account?

A: Contact Converus to move tests from one sub-account to another.


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