For each examinee, the Proctor will explain the testing process, start the test, and provide basic instructions. Additional instructions will appear on the computer screen during the test.
Sample questions will also be shown to the examinee on the computer screen prior to the real test starting in order to help the examinee understand how to interact with the EyeDetect software.
Explaining the Testing Process
Each testing situation is unique. However, the Proctor may want to do the following to help the examinee get an accurate result.
- Show the examinee where to sit. Encourage the examinee to adjust their chair to allow them to sit comfortably while resting their chin on the chin rest.
- Explain the calibration and validation process that the examinee will need to complete at the start of the testing process.
- Explain the need to answer questions promptly. Each question must be completed in a reasonable time (as calculated by the length of the question and complexity of the question).
- If the question is not answered in time, EyeDetect will beep and display a notice that the question has timed out. The next question automatically appears.
- Explain that the start of the test includes practice sessions. At the end of the practice session, EyeDetect will display the number of questions missed as well as those which timed out due to slow responses. This should help the examinee get comfortable with the process and timing before starting the actual test.
- Encourage the examinee to keep their chin in the chin rest during the test, which will take approximately 10 - 30 minutes depending on the type of test being administered.
- Note: There are short breaks in-between testing sessions that are identified by numbers counting backward to 0. The examinee is allowed to sit back from the chin rest and relax between each test session.
- Notify the examinee that the Proctor will remain in the room but will not assist in answering questions. Examinees should answer with their best effort and not concern themselves if they don’t know the answer to a given question.
- Explain the basic controls for taking the test. These are the space bar, the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard, or the left and right clicks on the mouse.
- Left arrow key/Left click on the mouse = TRUE
- Right arrow key/Right click on the mouse = FALSE
EyeDetect includes a Reading & Comprehension test. Not all examinees need to take this test. However, if the Proctor is unsure of the examinee’s reading and comprehension skills, the Proctor should first administer the Reading & Comprehension test (choose Test > Reading from the EyeDetect menu). Immediately after completing the Reading & Comprehension test, the examinee should take the scheduled test.
After the Reading & Comprehension test is started, the examinee will have 12 minutes to complete a three-part test. Each part will present a paragraph of text to read and four multiple choice questions about that paragraph.
The results of the Reading & Comprehension test are taken into account when evaluating the EyeDetect test results. If the examinee was challenged by the Reading & Comprehension test, that will be noted on the report.