Change EyeDetect Station's Wifi Profile to Private

If you are using a wireless network, EyeDetect Manager (EDM) and EyeDetect Plus Manager (EDPM) will only connect to the EyeDetect station if both the station and the laptop running EM or EDPM and the EyeDetect station have their network profile set to private.

Follow these steps to change a network profile from Public to Private:


If you are using Windows 11 

1) Click the Windows Start button on your keyboard, then type settings. Select Settings > Network & internet > Wi-Fi.

2) On the Wi-Fi settings screen, select Manage known networks, and then select the Wi-Fi network that you wish to change.

3) On the Wi-Fi network page, under Network profile type, select Private.


If you are using Windows 10

1) On the right side of the taskbar, click on the Wi-Fi network icon.

2) Under the name of the Wi-Fi network that you’re connected to, click on Properties.

3) Under Network profile, select the Private option.

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