Converus will add licenses to an account after receiving a Purchase Order.
Once a Purchase Order is processed, Converus will add new licenses into the Master account.
With licenses in the Master account, the an account admin with login credentials to the Master account can move licenses to any sub-account.
To do this:
- The account admin must log onto the Converus Dashboard
- Select the licenses option in the top menu
- Select the blue Transfer button
- The following interface will allow the admin to transfer licenses between sub-accounts.
- Select the License Source (most likely this will be the Master Account)
- Select the License Destination (the sub account where you are administering tests)
- Select the License Count
- Select you License Tier. If you are unsure of your License Tier, please contact Converus or your Converus Service Partner and we will confirm the License Tier assigned to your Master Account
- Select Submit and the licenses will be transferred.