To change sub-accounts, follow these instructions.
- Double-click the EyeDetectAdmin icon on the Windows Desktop.
- Select Account > Sign in from the menu.
Note: if the “Sign in” button is greyed out then it means you have an open test in EyeDetect. Please
close out of EyeDetect Administrator, launch EyeDetect, and delete or save/sync any open tests.
- Enter the Account ID, PIN, and Authentication Code (from the Authenticator app) as the Master account admin. or with appropriate account credentials for the subaccount to be used.
- After successfully signing in, click Close to close the Sign-in dialog.
- Choose DataLocker> Setup from the EyeDetect Admin main menu.
- EyeDetect Admin will retrieve license data; if licenses are available, the following dialog will appear.
- Select an account from the list and choose Start to configure the station with the selected license.
- All EyeDetect applications will be enabled. When the process is complete, click Close to exit.
- Choose File > Exit to close the EyeDetect Administrator application.