How do I change sub-accounts on the EyeDetect Station?

To change sub-accounts, follow these instructions.

  1. Double-click the EyeDetectAdmin icon on the Windows Desktop.
  2. Select Account > Sign in from the menu.


Note: if the “Sign in” button is greyed out then it means you have an open test in EyeDetect. Please
close out of EyeDetect Administrator, launch EyeDetect, and delete or save/sync any open tests.


  1. Enter the Account ID, PIN, and Authentication Code (from the Authenticator app) as the Master account admin. or with appropriate account credentials for the subaccount to be used.


  1. After successfully signing in, click Close to close the Sign-in dialog.mceclip1.png
  1. Choose DataLocker> Setup from the EyeDetect Admin main menu.
  2. EyeDetect Admin will retrieve license data; if licenses are available, the following dialog will appear.


  1. Select an account from the list and choose Start to configure the station with the selected license.
  2. All EyeDetect applications will be enabled. When the process is complete, click Close to exit.
  3. Choose File > Exit to close the EyeDetect Administrator application.



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